Wind Farms


New Wind Farm for Italy

Italy currently has no offshore wind farms, but one is beong proposed for the southern Apulia region. Source: London South East


New offshore wind farm proposed for Scotland

A new offshore wind farm is being proposed for Inch Cape, 15.5 kilometres east of the Angus coastline. A Strategic Environmental Assessment by the Scottish Government is expected later this year. Source: Your Industry News


Wind Energy Park Opened in Sweden

The first wind energy park on the lake Vänern, Vindpark Vänern has been opened.
The Vänern wind farm is located in the Northern part of the lake near Gässlingegrund 7 kilometres from the shoreline. The wind farm is remarkable especially because with help of this pilot project information will be gathered on how to make wind turbines work optimal in big lakes. Source offshorewindfbiz

Thanet Offshore Wind Farm

The Thanet Offshore Wind Farm off the south-east coast of England has started producing electricity and should be complete within a few months.
Source Reuters